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- Create Date November 2, 2023
- Last Updated September 13, 2024
Authoritative Teaching pdf Download
Authoritative Teaching PDF Download
Authoritative teaching is a surprising gem from the Nag Hamardi library. It is essentially a teaching on the soul as it strives for righteousness and perfection.
At the same time battling the forces of the devil, who is trying to make the soul perish. It gives a stark reminder of Romans chapter 7, but looks at it from a different angle.
Shalom. I heard the discussion today with the brother and it peat my interest as to what book you were reading from. I realized you were reading from the Authoritative Teaching in which I have been trying to find on your website. I was determined and finally found it. I read it.
I am impressed with the writing on how it speaks truly. My soul, my experience, my deepest thoughts know how deep and necessary these writings are!
Very deep!!!
YAH’s blessings to the ministry !
For those interested, the Authoritative Teaching can be downloaded here: https://justaword.org/download/authoritative-teaching/.