We have been misled in a world that is given into the hand of the wicked (Job 9:24), where religion, money and the pursuit of power has distorted the truth. Let us show you some of the many deceptions you must understand in order to attain unto life eternal.
These are some selected categories that we believe may interest you. These are critical in getting us to unravel the plethora of lies that we have been fed through man’s religions and denominations.
These are some of the latest Sabbath teachings from Just a Word.
They told us to read only 66 books, but the word tells us to prove all things, hold fast that which is good. What do we do? I prefer to follow the word, rather than man. In our search, we found several “lost books” that have really helped our understanding of the bible. Click on the picture to download the books.
This book contains the teachings of Yahusha HaMashiach and gives more depth, clarity and understanding to his existing teachings in the bible. This is a must for all believers seeking the truth.
If you are seeking righteousness and perfection (as we are called to do), then this book, Shepherd of Hermas is critical. It perfectly complements the bible, giving more understanding of the way to holiness.
Ever wonder why the gates into the kingdom have the names of the 12 tribes of Yasharal? This is because of the righteousness these patriarchs attained in their lives. What numerous lessons they teach us!
These are the latest video posts found here on Just a Word. Watch insightful videos from right here on our website.
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