Do We Need To Be Baptized In Water? Undeniable Affirmation
Do We Need To Be Baptized In Water? Or Is It The Word? Now this would seem like a simple...
Read moreDetailsChazaq is a follower of the way (John 14:6): a disciple of Yahusha HaMashiach, an Israelite in a strange land, dedicated to finding and sharing the biblical word of truth for both Israelites and Gentiles, as we awaken from our blindness (Romans 11:25).
"Get back to the old path, which is the good way, and you shall find rest for your souls."
Do We Need To Be Baptized In Water? Or Is It The Word? Now this would seem like a simple...
Read moreDetailsBAPTISM IN WHICH NAME OR NAMES? Baptism in which name? Which name should I be baptized in? Was I baptized...
Read moreDetailsWe did a teaching showing why the United States is actually the end time Babylon prophesied to be destroyed. In...
Read moreDetailsARE YOU FOLLOWING A FALSE MESSIAH OF THE AWAKENING? Are you following a false Messiah? Well three of our previous...
Read moreDetailsBEST TIME TO LEARN THE WORD When is the best time to learn the word? The word says faith comes...
Read moreDetailsWHAT DOES LUKE 19:27 MEAN? What does Luke 19:27 really mean? In the book of Luke chapter 19, Yahusha HaMashiach...
Read moreDetailsThis video is an extract from a previous video entitled: "The Surprising Prophecy That The War In Israel Fulfills!" It...
Read moreDetailsThis video looks at the surprising prophecy that the war in Israel fulfills. The battle between Israel and the Palestinians...
Read moreDetailsLet's look at the surprising prophecy that the war in Israel fulfills.
Read moreDetailsFALSE PROPHETS EXPOSED False prophets exposed! How do we know the difference between true and false prophets? How can I...
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