This video was a live interview at Metsimaholo FM in South Africa. Watch, as the Most High gives us the word to respond almost immediately to all questions asked, scripture after scripture, revealing truth that made the host dumbfounded.
This video was a live interview at Metsimaholo FM in South Africa. Watch, as the Most High gives us the word to respond almost immediately to all questions asked, scripture after scripture, revealing truth that made the host dumbfounded.
Chazaq is a follower of the way (John 14:6): a disciple of Yahusha HaMashiach, an Israelite in a strange land, dedicated to finding and sharing the biblical word of truth for both Israelites and Gentiles, as we awaken from our blindness (Romans 11:25). "Get back to the old path, which is the good way, and you shall find rest for your souls."
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