Is Matthew 28:1 Telling Us Of a 24 Hour Sabbath? Conclusive Breakdown
24-HOUR SABBATH? Is Matthew 28:1 speaking of a 24 hour Sabbath that starts in the morning and ends in the ...
24-HOUR SABBATH? Is Matthew 28:1 speaking of a 24 hour Sabbath that starts in the morning and ends in the ...
Lunar Sabbath Debunked (Introduction) Lunar Sabbath debunked? How? The calendar has been one of the most difficult truths to ...
Let no man judge you Col 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in ...
Is a Personal Relationship With the Father Enough? Is a Personal Relationship With the Father all that it takes to ...
The 7th day Sabbath You may note that I have done several articles on the 7th day Sabbath. Why is ...
Messiah Rose On the 1st Day Disclaimer: Now I won't go into the dispute as to whether the Mashiach ...
12 hour Sabbath A 12 hour Sabbath? Isn't the Sabbath 24 hours? Now we have done several posts proving that ...
Sabbath Begins In The Morning? Our last few posts have been highlighting the fact that a biblical day began in ...
And The Evening And The Morning Were The First Day Controversy Now in my previous post entitled: When does the ...
Day of Atonement from Even To Even : is this when all days and Sabbaths begin? Lev 23:32 It shall ...