THE BEAVER PROVES SATURDAY IS THE SABBATH Now, the beaver is not explicitly mentioned in the bible, but first of...
Read moreDetailsWhat does the lunar sabbath have to do with the spirit of antichrist? This is one of those videos in...
Read moreDetailsJUBILEES 6 EXPOSES LUNAR CALENDAR FALLACY The book of Jubilees has clearly exposed the lunar sabbath fallacy that is being...
Read moreDetailsLUNAR SABBATH ERROR REVEALED ONCE AGAIN Lunar sabbath error revealed? We have done several posts on the sabbath, as well...
Read moreDetailsLUNAR SABBATH CHANGING TIMES AND LAWS? Lunar sabbath changing times and laws is a curious topic. What does the lunar...
Read moreDetailsWHY THE SEVEN-DAY SABBATH CYCLE FROM CREATION REMAINS UNCHANGED In the first book of the bible, The Most High, YAHUAH...
Read moreDetailsWHICH DAY OF THE WEEK IS SABBATH DAY (ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE)? Which day of the week is sabbath day...
Read moreDetailsWHEN DID SABBATH CHANGE TO LUNAR CALENDAR? When did sabbath change to lunar calendar that many are keeping today? Was...
Read moreDetailsDID CREATION OF THE SUN AND MOON GIVE US A LUNAR SABBATH? Did the creation of the sun and the...
Read moreDetailsWHAT IS A BIBLICAL WEEK? What is a biblical week? So far during this series of searching for the true...
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