LUNAR SABBATH ERROR REVEALED ONCE AGAIN Lunar sabbath error revealed? We have done several posts on the sabbath, as well...
Read moreDetailsLUNAR SABBATH CHANGING TIMES AND LAWS? Lunar sabbath changing times and laws is a curious topic. What does the lunar...
Read moreDetailsWHY THE SEVEN-DAY SABBATH CYCLE FROM CREATION REMAINS UNCHANGED In the first book of the bible, The Most High, YAHUAH...
Read moreDetailsWHEN DID SABBATH CHANGE TO LUNAR CALENDAR? When did sabbath change to lunar calendar that many are keeping today? Was...
Read moreDetailsSABBATH 12 OR 24 HOURS? The length of the Sabbath is another debated issue. Now we did extensive teachings on...
Read moreDetailsWHEN DOES THE SABBATH DAY START AND END? Today, we are going to seek to answer the question, when does...
Read moreDetails24-HOUR SABBATH? Is Matthew 28:1 speaking of a 24 hour Sabbath that starts in the morning and ends in the...
Read moreDetailsTHERE REMAINS A REST? WHAT DOES HEBREWS 4:9 MEAN? What does Hebrews 4:9 mean? This video looks at the verse...
Read moreDetailsLunar Sabbath Debunked (Introduction) Lunar Sabbath debunked? How? The calendar has been one of the most difficult truths to...
Read moreDetailsSHOULD WE KEEP HIS FEASTS? Should we keep the feasts? This is a common question from those who are coming...
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