Our righteousness vs YAHUAH’S righteousness is a revealing look at the progressiveness of the covenants. It shows up a few insights that are missing from the mainstream today. It shows exactly what the western Judeo-Christian religions (Christianity, Judaism, Hebrew Israelites and more) are missing.
By the way, if you want more detailed understandings, take a look at these previous posts featured below.
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Now if we are lacking these insights? Through ignorance, we do not subject ourselves to the righteousness that is in Yahusha HaMashiach. Instead, we go about setting up our own righteousness, not knowing that it is leading us on the wrong path.
As a result of having these people lead us, we do not know that they are blind leaders of the blind! We are following people who are leading us astray!
So please listen to this teaching here. It was recorded on The Real Awakening Podcast, which is aired on JAW Radio at 10 am Eastern Standard Time, Mondays to Thursdays.
Please listen to this audio.