One of the greatest deceptions on this earth is the religion of Christianity. In the garden, Satan just made a little twist of the word and deceived Eve. He presented to her a counterfeit version of the truth twisted with lies. A hint of truth distorted by lies. That is exactly the same thing he does with Christianity. Please share with a Christian.
In like manner, the children of Edom took the scriptures of the children of Jacob and made it into a religion filled with lies, with a hint of the truth. The children of Jacob having been in captivity to the children of Edom, subsequently received this religion as their punishment.
Sadly, the children of Jacob remain in captivity to this religion to this very day, believing the lies of Esau. This video reveals a book, the Odes of Solomon, that proves that Christianity is a deception from the great deceiver.
We have done numerous teachings on the lie of Christianity and indeed, every organized religion of man. Yet surprisingly, most people still cannot see it, still arguing for Christianity, a the strong delusion that the Most High promised for those who did not love the truth (2 Thess 2:9-12), but had pleasure in unrighteousness (disobedience – see Rom 6:16).
If you are Christian reading this, please wake up. Snap out of the deception of your pastor who has you following the whore of Babylon, drunk with the wine of her fornication (spiritual idolatry).
This video lays a foundation then goes deeper into whether or not it matters who we are in the flesh at this time. In other words, does it matter what nation we are from. Does it matter whether we are Israelites or Gentiles. Watch to the end and you should see.